Trouble logging In?

If you are having trouble logging-in, you may be entering Incorrect UserId/Password may be disabled/expired/Locked or your User ID creation process is still in progress.

Instant Password Change

1. Reset Password - Enter your PANCARD, DATE OF BIRTH, MOBILE NUMBER registered with us.

Get your USER ID instantly

1. Get User Detail Option 1 - Enter your PANCARD, EMAIL ID, MOBILE NUMBER registered with us.

2. Get User Detail Option 2 - Enter your PANCARD, Date of Birth registered with us.

3. Get User Detail Option 3 - Enter your PANCARD, LIVE FDR-NO registered with us.

Reset your PASSWORD instantly

1. Reset Password - Enter your USERNAME, PANCARD, EMAIL ID, MOBILE NUMBER registered with us.

Write in to us

1. Online Service Request - Write in to us if you are not able to get help from any of the above.

Note :

1. This feature should only be used by customers who have at least one active Fixed Deposit.

2. Valid Email ID & Mobile No. is mandatory to avail the above services. The KYC information shall be verified by our team. If not pre-registered in the system, please write to us at [email protected] or call us at on 1800 266 9266 between 10.00 am to 5.00 pm (Monday to Saturday). These are once again subject to verification, hence may take 5 to 7 working days to process from the date of request.

3. This option should not be used for temporary usernames which you create during booking process, the usernames which the system confirms you post booking of your fixed deposit only will be considered in this process.

4. Customer's login which is disabled or locked due to security reasons may take 5 to 7 working days to be activated.